Friday, October 13, 2006

A Chilly Friday the 13th

As most of you know, today is Friday the 13th, the most unluckiest day of the year. In my opinion, also the second scariest day of the year, after Halloween of course. Today has been quite creepy thus far. It started on my usual morning walk through the small forest area near my dorm. The morning was chilly and there was a slight breeze, so I put on my fall coat, leg warmers and gloves and off I went for my walk. Whilst I was walking, a small, gray cloud entrapped the sun, dimming the area where I was located. Thinking this normal, I kept walking. Then out of no where,seven crows came swooping over my head. Now, compared to Essex, I find it quite unusual to find crows in Ottawa, especially in the morning. This creepy sensation grew inside of me as I walked further on the path and when I turned the corner, all seven of the crows were sitting on top of three trees, cawing like madness at me. It was very creepy, but an awsome experience. Then of course when I was walking back to my dorm I almost got hit by a car, but that is normal in Ottawa. So, out of inspiration this morning, I rented Alfred Hitchcocks classic The Birds to watch tonight. Happy Friday the 13th and as Chaucer wrote "And on a Friday fell all this mischance". Fare thee well.


Blogger Unknown said...

to give more of the quote:

" O destiny, you cannot be eschewed!
Alas, that Chauntecleer flew from the beams!
Alas, his wife recked nothing of his dreams!
575 And on a Friday fell all this mischance.
O Venus, who art goddess of pleasance,
Since he did serve thee well, this Chauntecleer,
And to the utmost of his power here,
More for delight than cocks to multiply,
580 Why would'st thou suffer him that day to die?

11:37 a.m.  
Blogger LefthandedSocks said...

One week and one day until you know what

10:44 p.m.  

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