Friday, August 11, 2006

Thus Ends BuffyFest 2006

Well, now it is time to say another fare well to Buffy The Vampire Salyer , for the fest has officially ended. Stephanie and I actually achieved our goal of watching all 62 favourite episodes of Buffy. We started the first episode on July 10th and finished the last episode today on Augast 11th. It was fun and definately one of the top highlights of my summer. Since I cannot just chose one, here are a list of my top three favourites of Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
-Top three favourite Buffy episodes:
1) Season Five Ep.16 The Body
2) Season Three Ep.10 Amends
3) Season Two Ep. 17 Passions

-Top three favourite Buffy characters:
1) Tara-Season 4-Season 6
2) Rupert Giles-Season 1-Season 5, various of Season 6 and Season 7
3) Faith- Season 3, various of Season 4 and Season 7

-Top three favourite Buffy villians:
1) Season Five- Glory, or the Mighty Glorificus
2) Season Six- Evil Willow
3) Season Two- Spike, or William the Bloody(for his poetry of course)

-Top three favourite emotional moments of Buffy:
1) Season Two Ep.17 Passions- When Giles almost gets killed after finding Jennys dead body, when he and Buffy are crying and Buffy tells him she cant do this without him.
2) Season Six Ep.8 Tabula Rasa- At the end of the episode, when Tara and Giles leave, Willow is sitting by herself in the bathroom and Buffy and Spike are making out-everyone is so alone and split apart.
3)Season Five Ep.16 The Body- When Buffy tells Dawn that Joyce has died and Dawn just collapses to the ground.

-Top three favourite Buffy couples:
1) Willow and Oz
2) Spike and Drusilla
3) Xander and Anya

Fare thee well.


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